Lecture 6: Balanced Binary Search Trees
定义: 树是自平衡二叉查找树, 每个结点的左右子树的高度之差的绝对值(平衡因子)最多为1.
AVL 插入:
1. insert as in simple BST
2. work your way up tree, restoring AVL property (and updating heights as you go).
suppose x is lowest node violating AVL .
assume x is right-heavy (left case symmetric)
if x's right child is right-heavy or balanced: follow steps in Fig. 5
else: follow steps in Fig. 6
then continue up to x's grandparent, greatgrandparent . . .
AVL 排序:
'''Created on 20151223@author: Administrator'''class BST(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' self.root = None def insert(self,t): newNode = BSTnode(t) if(self.root is None): self.root = newNode else: node = self.root while(True): if(t < node.key): if(node.left is None): node.left = newNode newNode.parent = node break node = node.left else: if(node.right is None): node.right = newNode newNode.parent = node break node = node.right return newNode def find(self,t): node = self.root while (node is not None): if(t == node.key): return node elif(t < node.key): node = node.left else: node = node.right return None def find_min(self): node = self.root while(node is not None): if(node.left is None): return node else: node = node.left return None def delete_min(self): """Delete the minimum key (and return the old node containing it).""" if self.root is None: return None, None else: # Walk to leftmost node. node = self.root while node.left is not None: node = node.left # Remove that node and promote its right subtree. if node.parent is not None: node.parent.left = node.right else: # The root was smallest. self.root = node.right if node.right is not None: node.right.parent = node.parent parent = node.parent node.disconnect() return node, parent def __str__(self): if self.root is None: return '' def recurse(node): if node is None: return [], 0, 0 label = str(node.key) left_lines, left_pos, left_width = recurse(node.left) right_lines, right_pos, right_width = recurse(node.right) middle = max(right_pos + left_width - left_pos + 1, len(label), 2) pos = left_pos + middle // 2 width = left_pos + middle + right_width - right_pos while len(left_lines) < len(right_lines): left_lines.append(' ' * left_width) while len(right_lines) < len(left_lines): right_lines.append(' ' * right_width) if (middle - len(label)) % 2 == 1 and node.parent is not None and \ node is node.parent.left and len(label) < middle: label += '.' label = label.center(middle, '.') if label[0] == '.': label = ' ' + label[1:] if label[-1] == '.': label = label[:-1] + ' ' lines = [' ' * left_pos + label + ' ' * (right_width - right_pos), ' ' * left_pos + '/' + ' ' * (middle-2) + '\\' + ' ' * (right_width - right_pos)] + \ [left_line + ' ' * (width - left_width - right_width) + right_line for left_line, right_line in zip(left_lines, right_lines)] return lines, pos, width return '\n'.join(recurse(self.root) [0]) class BSTnode(object): """ Representation of a node in a binary search tree. Has a left child, right child, and key value. """ def __init__(self,t): self.key = t self.disconnect() def disconnect(self): self.left = None self.right = None self.parent = None def height(node): if node is None: return -1 else: return node.heightdef update_height(node): node.height = max(height(node.left), height(node.right)) + 1 class AVL(BST): """AVL binary search tree implementation.Supports insert, find, and delete-min operations in O(lg n) time.""" def left_rotate(self, x): print("left_rotate") y = x.right y.parent = x.parent if y.parent is None: self.root = y else: if y.parent.left is x: y.parent.left = y elif y.parent.right is x: y.parent.right = y x.right = y.left if x.right is not None: x.right.parent = x y.left = x x.parent = y update_height(x) update_height(y) def right_rotate(self, x): print("right_rotate") y = x.left y.parent = x.parent if y.parent is None: self.root = y else: if y.parent.left is x: y.parent.left = y elif y.parent.right is x: y.parent.right = y x.left = y.right if x.left is not None: x.left.parent = x y.right = x x.parent = y update_height(x) update_height(y) def insert(self, t): """Insert key t into this tree, modifying it in-place.""" node = BST.insert(self, t) self.rebalance(node) def rebalance(self, node): print("rebalance") while node is not None: #print("node = " +str(node.key) +" height = ",node.height) update_height(node) if height(node.left) >= 2 + height(node.right): if height(node.left.left) >= height(node.left.right): self.right_rotate(node) else: self.left_rotate(node.left) self.right_rotate(node) elif height(node.right) >= 2 + height(node.left): if height(node.right.right) >= height(node.right.left): self.left_rotate(node) else: self.right_rotate(node.right) self.left_rotate(node) node = node.parent def delete_min(self): node, parent = BST.delete_min(self) self.rebalance(parent) #raise NotImplemented('AVL.delete_min')test1 = range(0, 100, 10)test2 = [31, 41, 59, 26, 53, 58, 97, 93, 73]test3 = "algorithms"#import randomdef test(args=None, BSTtype=AVL): items = test2 tree = BSTtype() print (tree) for item in items: tree.insert(item) print("------------------------------------------") print (tree) tree.delete_min() print("------------------------------------------") print(tree)if __name__ == '__main__': test()